
The Beauty

  • Age: 20

  • Sin: Pride

  • Film: Beauty and the Beast

  • Lost thing: A chipped teacup

  • Face Claim: Emma Watson


Belle had moved to a small town away from Paris to escape the plague which took her mother's life. She doesn't follow the standard quo for women and enjoys reading. Belle is also sought out by the town war hero and most loved conceded bachelor, Gaston. She turns him down multiple times which makes him angry and vows to marry her. When her horse Phillipe arrives home without her father, she asks the horse to take her to him. Phillipe leads them to the dark, creepy, and "abandoned" castle. Here she finds her father imprisoned and trades places with him so he can get his health better.Even though Belle was the prisoner of the master of the castle, she was allowed to wander free throughout the castle and castle grounds. During her time there she befriends many of the staff members that had been turned into ordinary household items. Her curiosity got the better of her and she traveled into the west wing where the Beast's room was located. Inside she found the enchanted rose. The Beast caught her almost touching the rose which enraged him, causing him to roar and scarying Belle. She decided to run home, but she was attacked by a pack of wolves.The Beast came to her rescue, fighting off the pack but injuring himself in the process. Belle took him back and nursed him back to health. After this the two start to grow closer and develop a strong friendship. Beast could sense the sadness within Belle after spending a night on a date with her, which he allowed her to see her father through the magic mirror. The mirror showed her father in trouble and in an act of love, Beast freed Belle so she could leave and save her father.Rushing to her father's side and proving his innocence, she showed the screaming mob that the Beast her father spoke of was real. This set the group to lock them up while they stormed the castle. Belle gets free and rushes to the castle in hopes to either stop the mob or warn the Beast. She was too late and came to see Gaston trying to kill the Beast. Fearing the worse, she rushed through the castle to be near the Beast. By the time she reached him, he was shot by Gaston and killed. Belle admitted she loved him which broke the spell bringing him back and as a human.From that moment on, she lived in the castle with her father, the friends she made, and the prince she fell in love with having the adventures she always dreamed of.

Fatal Flaw

Belle has experienced such heart break with losing both parents and someone she truly loves, that she ended up backing away and diving into her books. She learned to shelter her heart and hide her emotions away during the hard decisions in life. If it doesn't involve books, she tends to run away from conflict or becomes submissive allowing others to make the decisions for her. She even avoids her emotions within herself and tries to make everyone, including herself, that everything is alright.


Growing up there was nothing more freeing than grabbing a book and immersing oneself into the story. Belle absolutely loved books and read through every book in her small town at least three times. When getting the opportunity to move to a bigger place, Belle vowed to run a library where anyone could read for free.Unfortunately, someone already had that job. Belle became a regular at the library. She hated that she couldn't own the books she fell in love with. That changed her mind from running a library into owning a small bookstore.After saving enough money on her own, she decided to open up a small store, The Beauty of Books Bookstore, thus giving others a chance to buy books they fell in love with and keep them at home to read whenever they felt like it.


  • Gaston - Husband.

  • Adam - Ex-boyfriend.

  • Jane - Best Friend.


Belle and her father had moved to Starfall to give them more opportunities. He continued his inventing while she stayed taking care of the housework. Without her father knowing, she'd save a little bit of his money so she could buy a location for the book store. After finally being able to buy the location she wanted, she started planning on the interior. It lead her to Adam's furniture shop. Instantly they hit it off and started dating rather quickly. He helped her bring bookshelves into her store and set up the books.While still setting up shop, her father start to become sicker and sicker. For caring for her father her relationship with Adam started to become unstable. Things she asked for he didn't provide nor the other way around. Their communication completely fell apart when Maurice passed away leaving Belle completely broken. Their relation ended just after his passing. Losing both the man she loved and her father, she became detached and stayed in her home or in the library. She stopped putting effort into her book store.A few months after her fathers passing, Belle met Gaston who was infatuated by her. He had given her attention even if it wasn't the kind she needed or deserved, but it was something she believed to be as love. When Gaston proposed, she accepted happily and they soon married right after. She moved into his house and slowly started to feel whole again which brought her back to fixing up her shop. As she worked on the shop, she started to learn just who her husband truly was. He didn't like that she wasn't home when he came home and there was no hot meal on the table. He got on her case about the house being a mess. All she needed to do in life was cook and clean for him and when they had children, she'd look after them as well.Despite disliking the arrangement Gaston created, she accepted it. She had already lost the man she loved and the one she admired the most. For some time, she only stayed at home, but she felt something was missing. While he was at work, she had secretly worked on her bookstore. She'd always make it home in time to have food on the table, and for quite some time she stopped reading to get all the chores and all the prep work for the store done. It wasn't until the store was done that she started reading again.Belle would be up before the sun to make her husband breakfast, and the moment he'd leave, she'd be locking the house and heading to her bookstore. It became a place of safety and comfort; an escape from her life as just a simple house wife. There she had a voice and could be proud of the life she was living. She never told Gaston about her store and kept the finances separate.For the most part, Belle can be found in her shop reading a book or organizing the shelves. She only goes home to make dinner and sleep before waking up and heading back to work.